<aside> 1️⃣ What is ID Tag?

NFT project for connecting Web 2.0 services to Web 3.0 services

💬 Web 2.0 services? Twitch, Discord, Youtube etc.

💬 Web 3.0 services? Kaikas wallet etc.

Nickname service connected with Klaytn based wallet address

💬 It is recorded on the blockchain without overlapping, ensuring uniqueness.

💬 Share, show off your own nickname to OOAK community members and twitch chatting by chrome extension(OOAK extension)


<aside> 2️⃣ What is benefit of ID tag holders and how it will be used?

➡️ By holding unique and sparse nicknames(NFT) used in the creator community, they can be used instead of existing Twitch IDs in Twitch chatroom

➡️  Giveaway ID tag(unique badges for each pre-sale) badge in twitch chatting


➡️ Get priority for next minting of team OOAK


<aside> 3️⃣ Do I need to install chrome extension(OOAK extension) for using ID tag?

Yes, ID tag can be only applicable through chrome extension. Moreover, ID tag is represented between users installed chrome extension. Original ID is represented to general users.


<aside> 4️⃣ Will ID tag be applicable to only Twitch chatting?

No. After NFT Emotes project, ID tag project is planned to apply other platforms. (Next target is Discord bot)


<aside> 5️⃣ What is the benefit for getting involve to pre-sale?

💬 Get unique ID tag, faster than whoever. (Prepare your own rare nickname list for pre-sale)

💬 Unique badges will be provided for pre-sale first mover

💬 Additional giveaway event is planned for pre-sale users


<aside> 6️⃣ What is the difference between ID tag and twitch ID?

➡️ Connection : ID tag will replace complicate wallet address, because ID tag is connected to Klaytn based wallet 1:1. Moreover ID tag will guarantee your unique nickname through blockchain.

➡️ Unification : ID tag will unify platforms. For example, broadcasting platform Twitch and fan community platform Discord can be unified based on ID tag.(Twitch- chrome extension, Discord- discord bot)

➡️ Extensibility : ID tag connected to Kaikas wallet can extend Klaytn based NFT project to Twitch chatting or Discord (ex. NFT emoticon)


<aside> 7️⃣ How about support for Klip wallet?

💬 Now, only Kaikas wallet is supported, but Klaytn based wallet can be used.

💬 Minting will be also supported for only Kaikas wallet. (We kindly recommend to use Kaikas wallet)


<aside> 8️⃣ If you have any other questions, please contact below.

➡️ Discord : https://discord.gg/guDubzJf5c

➡️ Kakao Talk : https://open.kakao.com/o/gWFIyBYd

➡️ E-MAIL : [email protected]

➡️ Homepage : https://ooak-faq.notion.site/

